Wednesday 18 September 2013

My story!

Started sixth form 2 weeks ago, it is so weird to be back at school. i didn't go to school a lot last year as i was usually in bed or at the hospital. i think my attendance was 40%, not very good. I'm going to aim for around 90% this year :) This time last year was when all of my problems started, i randomly collapsed in drama in agony. I was sent home from school. i rested for around a week and i was still feeling this pain. It felt like someone was stabbing me over and over on my right side. A couple of weeks later this pain was still there so we went to the doctors after some gross heavy bleeding. My GP is amazing and was doing everything she could to stop the pain, i left the doctors with many drugs!

Around the middle of October the pain got so bad one night i was taken to hospital by my mum and were there 8 hours and saw a gynaecologist who said there was nothing wrong a just had trapped wind. Seriously trapped wind? Anyway we left it a few more weeks and i survived off my pain killers until one night i was on the floor crying like last time taken back to the hospital. I was admitted to a children's ward right away. Nobody understood. It was a long week of being passed from general surgery to gynae. Gynae said there was nothing wrong and it was my appendix casing the pain and handed me to general surgery who said this is a gynaecological issue. If that wasn't enough i suffered a reaction to the codeine there were giving me. 5 days later i was still in hospital but gynae had agreed to scan me and oh guess what they found? A cyst about 4-5cm on my right ovary. I was discharged with more pain killers as i didn't need to be in hospital.

It carried on like this until late november when i was referred to an urgent gynae clinic. It was there i first heard that it could be endo. The cyst had gone so there was now no reason for my pain. i broke down crying on this doctor when he said "we don't know why you are in pain". He then said endometriosis could be causing the pain. For once a doctor at the hospital who believed i was in pain! i don't remember much else from that appointment probably was crying too much to hear.

Then in late February i was sent to the clinic again. I saw one of the first doctors i ever saw about this pain, he remembered me and said if this is still going on then there is something wrong. State the obvious think i was lying for 5 months. Anyway he believed he knew what it was but needed to talk to the consultant. She came straight away and said she had heard my name a lot, we stayed behind to talk to her. I think she was the first one to take me seriously! I told her everything that had happened and she said it sounds a lot like endo. We didn't see her for a few weeks after that.

The pain was gradually getting worse everyday so she made us an appointment for 19th March. she had decided she wanted to do a laparoscopy to find out the cause. i was so nervous when she said that. She also said that she wouldn't stop until she found the source of my pain.

I had my surgery on the 26th April. surprisingly i wasn't nervous or anything on the day. Well i wasn't nervous until the anaesthesiologist came and asked mum and i "what's this about a heart condition?" we both replied "what!" apparently discovered in one of my many tests, no one told us! i think after that, all i thought about was my heart. He was reluctant to even do the op but eventually agreed but i would have 4 anaesthesiologists in there incase anything went wrong. I don't remember a lot after that except the consultant coming to see me and saying she will find the cause of the pain.

In recovery, i was, well a handful! shouting at all the doctors(not on purpose, i'm not that mean). they had to use a drug stronger than morphine just to calm me down. When i next came around mum was there talking to me, i don't know what she was saying. i do know i did not like the nasal oxygen thing as it hurt my poor nose. A doctor noticed i was awake and came straight over with the results and some pictures. They found endo all over my peritoneum! i was so relieved to have a reason for my pain! They cauterised away they endo. My recovery was fast and i was getting back to my self at a rapid speed.

Now nearly a whole 5 months later minimal pain. some good days and some bad. But i guess that is how it is always going to be so i better get use to it!

First post, cheeky!

Just an average 16 year old girl who loves music and reading. My life is kinda crazy, i have a condition called endometriosis. Never heard of it? that's cool, neither had i. Basically i call it gay ovary issue as it's hard to explain. It is where bits of the womb lining are found outside of the womb and it causes extreme pain. I'm currently trying to start a website to support girls suffering as i do not think there is enough support available.

 This blog thing will be about my life and all the fun i have. Sarcasm will be used a lot so i apologise if you are not a fan!